Well here we are in the new year - 2007 seems to have gone by so fast - I really can't
believe it is 2008 already! It seems like 2007 was all consumed with moving - and that isn't even happening until June of this year. First we had to decide if we wanted to move, then we had to rate the places that we might want to move to and then we found out where we were moving to and finally, I know I spent the rest of the year digging in my heels and trying to soak up every last experience I could out of our current home. Tom came home one day just after I had mowed the yard and found me sitting on the front walk crying. I was going to miss our yard, we had worked so hard on it for 5 years, and it was perfect, and such a joy, and now were were leaving. He had a lot of strange moments like that with me. Then in October we started tearing the house apart to replace the floors and molding to get it ready to sell this spring. Needless to say it took longer then we thought and our last Christmas was not all we had hoped it would be. We didn't get the outside decorated for Christmas and we barely got the tree decorated in time to take it down. I feel as though I've been so obsessed with the move, that I haven't really been able to enjoy the time we have left.

All that, mixed with our attempts in the second half of the year to start a family, along with our failure to do so have really been hitting me hard. Of course everyone is well intentioned and just keeps telling me to "relax and it will happen." When you want something like this for as long as I have wanted this and as deeply as I want this, it seems impossible to relax or, better yet "think about other things..." Hopefully with all the moving business that will start really happening in the next few months, the timing will be really inconvenient and one day I'll wake up and find out I forgot to worry about it and... hey! It Happened!
Anyway, we have started talking with a real estate agent and he has a picture of what the house looked like when we bought it. He is supposed to get me a copy, so when we put our house on the market I'll post both as a before and after. He was pleasantly surprised when he pulled up and the house was no longer baby blue. Lucky for him he is talking about selling just as the flowers are popping in early March, So that will really showcase the front of the house.
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