Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Meet a West Ashley snow couple!
You know that storm that left 14 inches of snow in some parts of Texas this week? Well it was kind enough to drop a little on Charleston on its way out to sea. It started sleeting around 5:30pm and had turned to snow in an hour. We took Connor for a walk in the snow before his bath. Then after he went down we watched the snow and the opening ceremonies to the Olympics. Tom headed off to bed and I was cleaning up the dinner dishes when the power went off a little after 10pm. It was out until some time after 2am. When Connor and I got up this morning the whole neighborhood was a flutter with kids and adults playing in the snow. Tom tells me there were several neighborhood snowmen on his way home. You can see in the pictures that they cleared a yard making walls of snow to have a snowball fight. Evan and Mariesa from across the street stopped by to take my snow. Evan informs me that it hasn't snowed in Charleston in 10 years. He's only 7, but I'll take his word for it.
I only hope our poor daffadils make it! They have not had a good life at our house. I bought them at Costco in the Summer of '08 and they sat in the garage until March '09. When we finally planted them, along with the tulips that had suffered the same fate, the daffadils never came up - though the tulips did. We were shocked to see them popping up last week and now they have been hit with overnight snow and temperatures in the 20's. You can see them under the tree in the frist picture below.

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